Swinger Podcast

Tag: swinger resort review

where to host swingers play session

Where should we host our Swingers Play Session?

We recently had a question from a new couple in the swinging lifestyle about to embark on their first threesome Male, Female, Male (MFM) experience. They asked us “Ours, His or Hotel?” They wanted to know where they should host their swingers play session Whilst this question might be simple for long standing swinging lifestyle…
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First time at Young Swingers Week – Guest Blog

Every wondered what it’s like to visit a Swingers Resort? What about your first trip to Hedonism Swingers Resort Jamaica or even partying with Young Swingers Week? Thank you to our guest blogger today RonnieLoves, it was an amazing read and super glad that you’re happy for us to share. If you’re considering visiting Hedonism…
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