Naughty in Nawlins 2019 – K & L Couple
Curious what people think of the USA’s largest Swingers Convention Naughty In Nawlins? A couple review their first time at Naughty In Nawlins
Did you attend Naughty in Nawlins 2019? If not, we’ve rounded up some great interviews and wanted to share them with you so you can live vicariously through others.
Curious if Naughty In Nawlins is for you? Read on as you’ll find so much variety in the people who attended, loved it and got so much out of the event… is it what you expected to read?
If you’re curious about attending Naughty in Nawlins 2020 we’d love to hear from you and have you join our tribe.
Big thank you to K & L Couple for sharing their journey with us!
Was this your first time visited NOLA?
This was our 4th or 5th time visiting the city
Was this your first time at Naughty in Nawlins?
Was this your first large lifestyle event (e.g. Cruise, hotel takeover, resort)
We have been to a Meet and Greet weekend in Atlanta, 45 couples and to a “Just for Dinner” event held by Do You Know George which was in Denver and limited to 12 couples. Nothing on the scale of NIN though.
What was your highlight of the event?
Time with new friends in the playrooms!
What was the lowlight and could be improved?
The bar takeovers in the afternoons we’re too loud to talk, we felt the music was not right for the crowd. We are in NOLA, they have good music there right?
What were you most afraid of when visiting NIN 2019?
The number of people attending (it was over 2,600 people this year!)
Did you and your partner communicate well at NIN? What could be improved if anything?
We have different sex drives, he has a higher tempo for sex than I do. We need a lot of sleep to have the energy to stay up as late as he’d like to.
What was your favourite theme night or party?
Space night followed by Mardi Gras night!
Will you be back in 2020?
Most likely no, we are thinking a return in 3-5 years would work best. We’d rather spend the money traveling to meet a smaller group of friends for a weekend.
If you could give one piece of advice for people wanting to go to NIN but are unsure, what would it be?
It’s good to go at least once for the experience!
Anything else you’d like to mention about NIN 2019, the lifestyle, swinging, please feel free to take it away!
We loved the smaller gatherings like the podcast group drinks and the board-game afternoon.